
Mass Spectrometry and NMR

Mass Spectrometry  

Low resolution LC/MS ESI  

Low resolution LC/MS/MS  

High resolution LC/MS ESI-TOF  

High resolution LC/MS/MS TOF  

Peptide sequencing by MS/MS  

Interpretation of data under request 

Adjunto vacío o tipo de entrada no es igual a 'adjunto'
Adjunto vacío o tipo de entrada no es igual a 'adjunto'

 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

Monodimensional experiences: 1H, 13C (with 1H decoupling), DEPT, 1D-TOCSY, NOE

Bidimensional experiences: COSY, HSQC, HMBC, TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, HSQC-TOCSY

1.7 mm cryoprobe available (30 micro Liters of solvent/ sample) allowing a notable reduction in the amount of sample required for data acquisition

Preparation of samples for analysis

Interpretation of data and structural characterization under request