

MEDINA Invited Seminar Series – Prof. Gilles van Wezel

MEDINA Invited Seminar Series – Prof. Gilles van Wezel Granada, 25 de noviembre de 2024 Estamos encantados de anunciar un Seminario Especial que tendrá lugar el 3 de diciembre a las 11 a.m. en el Auditorio de la Fundación MEDINA, Fundación PTS, Granada. El seminario...
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Bio – Europe. 4 – 6 de noviembre, 2024.

7 de noviembre, 2024 Fundación MEDINA asistió a Bio-Europe del 4 al 6 de noviembre, celebrada en Estocolmo, Suecia. Ha sido un placer reunirnos con antiguos colaboradores y conocer nuevas empresas en Bio - Europe 2024.
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BIO International Convention. 3-6 junio, 2024, San Diego Convention Center, California.

7 junio, 2024 Fundación MEDINA ha asistido a la Bio International Convention, el mayor evento biotecnológico a nivel mundial. A través de los encuentros de partnering in-person hemos tenido la oportunidad de conocer nuevos colaboradores, así como la oportunidad de...
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Introducing RES4PRIOPATH: An Integrated Antiviral Discovery Platform of Broad-Spectrum Small Molecule Inhibitors of Viral Targets from Priority Preparedness Pathogens founded by ISIDORe´s Joint Research Activities Programme 2023-2025.

Introducing RES4PRIOPATH: An Integrated Antiviral Discovery Platform of Broad-Spectrum Small Molecule Inhibitors of Viral Targets from Priority Preparedness Pathogens founded by ISIDORe´s Joint Research Activities Programme 2023-2025.

Introducing RES4PRIOPATH: An Integrated Antiviral Discovery Platform of Broad-Spectrum Small Molecule Inhibitors of Viral Targets from Priority Preparedness Pathogens founded by ISIDORe´s Joint Research Activities Programme 2023-2025. March 12, 2024 We are thrilled to...

The PROSPLIGN project: Fundacion MEDINA participates as a partner in the launch of a €3.4 Million Project on Lignin Bioprospecting.

The PROSPLIGN project: Fundacion MEDINA participates as a partner in the launch of a €3.4 Million Project on Lignin Bioprospecting.

The PROSPLIGN project: Fundacion MEDINA participates as a partner in the launch of a €3.4 Million Project on Lignin Bioprospecting. Tuesday 27th of February 2024 Kicking off a €3.4 Million Project on Lignin Bioprospecting The PROSPLIGN project - PROSPecting...

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