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Dr. Fernando Reyes attends the OCEAN MEDICINE general meeting organized this week in Lisbon by Sea4Us, one of the SME’s participating in the project. The aim of OCEAN MEDICINES is to establish a network of collaboration and knowledge-exchange between industrial and...

▪ Kick off meeting of the MARPIPE project – March, 15 – Granada

The kick-off meeting of MARPIPE, a H2020 ITN consortium took place also this week at MEDINA, today 15th of March. MarPipe is a consortium of 11 partners (SME and academic centers across Europe) whose main goal is the training of the next generation of marine...

▪ Final General Assembly of PharmaSea – March 13, 14 – Granada

The final General Assembly of the PharmaSea project is taking place at MEDINA on the 13th and 14th of March, with a scientific meeting to summarize the main results obtained during the development of the project. Pharmasea is a FP7 consortium of 24 partners from 13...