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News Archive

▪ miCROPe International Symposium, Dec. 4-7, Vienna – Austria

MEDINA attended the symposium "Microbe-assisted crop production - opportunities, challenges and needs" (miCROPe 2017) to discuss and learn about the latest developments and future opportunities in the field of plant-microbe interactions and commercial application of...

▪ SIBS 2017, October, 12-13, Zurich

MEDINA, member of EU-OPENSCREEN network which integrates high-capacity screening platforms throughout Europe, presented its Screening Platform, capabilities and facilities at the “4th Swiss Image-Based Screening Conference, SIBS2017”. This international conference...

▪ SLAS Europe 2017 – September 20-22, Madrid

The SLAS High-Content Screening conference brings together scientists, technologists, researchers, academics and data informatics professionals from many countries to share their experience and latest results in the domain of high throughput microscopy and data...