The recently funded H2020 Twining project BLUEandGREEN aims to increase the performance of CIIMAR in the area of Marine Biotechnology, and joins CIIMAR with four internationally-leading counterparts at the EU level: the University of Helsinki - Finland, the University of Bergen - Norway, GEOMAR, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel – Germany, and Fundación MEDINA - Spain. On the 17th and 18th March, the BLUEandGREEN project was launched with a Kick Off meeting at CIIMAR new headquarters, Leixões Harbour, Portugal, with all project partners from Finland, Norway, Germany and Spain.
BLUEandGREEN will be a complementary transdisciplinary effort of the five partners that will contribute on raising CIIMAR's scientific and technological standards in biorefineries approach based on marine resources and biotechnology. These collaborative efforts will force CIIMAR to step up by raising researchers' professional standards, enhancing networking in research and technological sector, involving industry, which will influence research planning and thus contributing to the economic growth.
The project BLUEandGREEN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692419.